Bulletboy would be great in Bulletstorm, he could live in a Bullethouse, make Bulletmoney to pay his Bulletbills (hah, Mario reference), and come home to his loving Bulletwife named Bulletwich (I heard that was a cool game).
I'm not making fun of the name, to be honest, I just realized everything sounds cooler when you add the word "bullet" to it.
Gonna need voice actors for that? Probably not, but if you do let me know, I'd happily audition.
I'll be looking forward to seeing how it turns out!
Bulletboy would be great in Bulletstorm, he could live in a Bullethouse, make Bulletmoney to pay his Bulletbills (hah, Mario reference), and come home to his loving Bulletwife named Bulletwich (I heard that was a cool game).
I'm not making fun of the name, to be honest, I just realized everything sounds cooler when you add the word "bullet" to it.
Gonna need voice actors for that? Probably not, but if you do let me know, I'd happily audition.
I'll be looking forward to seeing how it turns out!
hahaha... great wif all those bullets name
im not so sure about voice yet, idk how much i will pay for em... :P